Sunday, November 30, 2014

Spotlight Artist #1: JAYMES YOUNG

I've wanted to do this for a while, but I couldn't think of someone I wanted to write a whole post about. I finally listened to Jaymes Young's new EP, and I was so incredibly impressed that I knew my first Spotlight Artist post had to be about him.

Young is a relatively new artist. His first EP Dark Star was released in September 2013. I personally like his newer EP Habits of My Heart more, and I will be talking about all of the songs in this post. I will also include two of my other favorites by him.

Habits of My Heart
  • Habits of My Heart This song is a Sufjan Stevens remake, and I honestly fell in love with it the first time I heard it. This was way back in March 2014, and I couldn't get over the chill vibe, the amazing lyrics, and the unique sound. I consider this one of my favorite songs of all time, and I find myself listening to this in any situation. I could be feeling happy, sad, nostalgic, lonely, excited, or any other emotion really. To me, this is a sexy love song. "I lost myself... between your legs." I love it. 
  • I'll Be Good At the beginning, this song is the most mellow of the five. Then it picks up a little, and the ridiculously catchy chorus comes in. This song is calm but intriguing at the same time. This song is just really pretty. Really damn pretty.
  • What Should I Do To me, this song has the most alternative feel of the five. I love alternative music, so I was pleasantly surprised by Young's range because all of his songs have such a different vibe. The bass is not steady in the background; it instead has its own beat, which is really different and refreshing. It brings complexity to the song. 
  • Come Back For Me The beginning drew me in immediately. I just want to do an emotional dance to this song. There is so much FEELING in the vocals and the melody. It's quite beautiful. I would listen to this song if I was feeling hurt or angry or upset. It would allow me to feel those emotions. 
  • Moondust (Stripped) I like the stripped version of this more than the original. There is beauty in simplicity, and that is very apparent in this song. This stripped version just has more significance... I mean the regular version could be more pop. Jaymes Young has a beautiful voice, and he shouldn't hide it behind too many other sounds. His voice should be the focus. 

My other loves by Jaymes Young
  • What is Love This song is not in his EP, but damn it's good. "I give you my love, but you don't care." Jaymes Young is amazing. The Lost Frequencies Remix is also really good if you prefer more upbeat songs. 
  • Fragments "I never really let you go, thought you should know." This song is so sad, but damn it hurts so good. I love it. 

Jaymes Young has such a unique sound. His songs somehow all have a seductive feel even though they're all really different. His lyrics are always meaningful, which goes well with his angelic voice. His songs are super freaking catchy, and you can tell he just puts everything into every single one. I can't say enough good things about him and his work.

I hope you liked this post! I'll do more of these as I come across artists that I want to feature. I genuinely enjoyed doing this because I love every song I've posted here. If you had never heard of Jaymes Young before this post, I hope I've convinced you to give him a listen :]

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