Thursday, October 16, 2014

Getting Motivated

I am a very motivated person, so I like to stay busy whenever I can. I figure that I only have one life and one chance to accomplish as many things as possible. This means that in the few instances when I am feeling unmotivated, I am REALLY lacking drive. When this happens, I ponder life, and by the time I get back around my thoughts, I'm feeling motivated again. Here are just some of the things I think about:

1. We literally only have one life. I know that certain religions preach reincarnation, and I am definitely not saying it can't be true, but no matter what, we will never remember any life other than the one we are living now. The moment that is passing right now will never come back, and we are living on a set timeline that has a start and a finish. That scares the HELL out of me. Take advantage of every moment you have. Definitely take breaks, but work as hard as you can the rest of the time.

2. When I am unmotivated, everything I do becomes lackluster. It becomes subpar, average, unoriginal. What's the point of that? What is the point of doing anything that doesn't reflect your extraordinary ability? I truly believe that every single person has something unique to offer the world, so why would anyone waste their time doing the same old thing? Put your own ideas on the table, and who knows, you may find success right around the corner.

3. Everyone has dreams. However, one main quality that separates the successful from the unsuccessful is whether or not those dreams are actually pursued. The most successful people have followed their passions rather than what they're "supposed" to be doing. If you want to be an actress, go for it! If you want to start a business, go for it! Just make sure to properly prepare yourself so that you can hit the ground running. 

4. If you are reading this right now, you are very lucky. You either have a computer or you have access to one. You have some money in your pocket and clothes on your back. There will always be someone who is less fortunate than you, so why wouldn't you take what life gave you and run with it? Take some time to reflect on all the resources you have. Everything is just waiting for YOU. You are the only one who can control your fate, so get up and make your dreams reality! 

You can do it! I believe in you. Do what feels right, and never stop making goals that you intend to reach. I really hope that this inspires you or gets you out of a slump. 

Fist bump dude. YOU GOT THIS. 


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