Saturday, October 4, 2014

Music Lovin'

I have been trying to think about what I should write about for my first real post. I am seriously just drawing up blanks. What the heck would I want to read in a blog? I think my best guess would be something about travel or makeup, but I don't really have anything to say about either at the moment. I am sitting at home, and I am not wearing any makeup.

I think an easy topic to talk about is music! I am pretty much always looking for new music because when I am constantly listening to it, songs get tiring pretty fast. A cool thing I do with music is separate it by when I get it. So for example, I have different playlists for every school year and every summer. It would look a little something like this:

15/16 HS Soph

16 Summer 2011
16/17 HS Junior
17 Summer 2012

The numbers in the front are my age, and then I just add what time period it is. And then I add songs to the playlist of that time as I add them to my library. That way, when I go back and listen, I can feel all of the same emotions I felt during that part of my life again.

It's honestly a really cool thing. As a result of doing this, I have a lot of "feels" songs that make me feel happy, nostalgic, sad, excited, etc. when I listen to them. Music is an amazing part of my life, and I hope that you try this out so you can document your life into music as well. Honestly it's the easiest way to retain memories because it takes no extra time like a journal would, and it is so easy to access when you want to. For journals, when I want to read something from a few years ago, I always have to hunt for the right day. It's so annoying! With the music, everything you need is written right there.

If you do this, please let me know in the comments so we can bask in the glory of music together. Mwah enjoy!

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